How I Develop Android Apps - Journey#
Phase One: Single App, Single Module#
The initial requirement was simple, only one app was needed, and all the functionalities were directly placed in one module.
Phase Two: Single App, Multiple Feature Modules#
As the project progressed, there were independent feature modules that required customization. One solution was to use DynamicFeature.
DynamicFeature requires support from the app market. It is not commonly used for cases that require independent deployment. However, there is also, which allows self-deployment of an app market that supports dynamic features. But the deployment process is too complex.
Another solution is pluginization, which can be done at runtime or compile-time.
Compile-time pluginization is relatively simple to implement, as it only requires dynamically modifying the app's dependencies. At runtime, all plugin implementations are obtained through reflection and the corresponding methods are called.
Compile different plugin modules
Phase Three: Single App, Multiple Feature Modules, Single Common Module#
As the number of feature modules increased, there were many repeated library dependencies among different modules, and there could be version conflicts. To unify the version and usage of utility libraries, encapsulation was needed.
Therefore, a common library was introduced.
In principle, all dependencies related to non-core functionalities of feature modules should be placed in the common library, such as network requests, image processing, key-value storage, databases, etc.
Additionally, feature modules should not directly depend on third-party libraries; they should be encapsulated through the common library to facilitate future upgrades and migrations.
Phase Four: Interdependent Feature Modules#
As the number of feature modules increased, there was a need for inter-module communication. However, feature modules belong to the same layer from a hierarchical perspective, and direct dependencies between the same layer should be avoided to prevent circular dependencies.
Therefore, a common feature module (services) or service bus was introduced, where all feature modules provide services to other modules by implementing interfaces defined in the services module.
The common module and common feature module are collectively referred to as the Framework.
There is another way to handle service calls between modules, which is to define a separate component for each feature module to be used by other modules. However, this can lead to exponentially complex dependency relationships. Therefore, it is better to manage all module's public services in a unified manner.
Phase Five: Focus on Functionality#
Registering functionalities in the market, app automatically discovers features.